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It’s Not a Phase

It’s Not a Phase

Phase training is impractical for a couple of reasons, mainly detraining. Phase training will always lead to detraining as the athlete transitions from phase to phase. This means that you will lose a percentage of the gains you attained in the previous phase due to a lack of focus on that particular strength in the current phase. Essentially, you trade proficiency in one strength for another.

Wed Nov 09, 2022
Conventional Deadlift Setup

Conventional Deadlift Setup

You must achieve optimal positioning before moving the barbell, no matter the lift. Finding your optimal positioning for any barbell movement lowers your risk of injury and allows you to display higher levels of absolute strength. When you find form and positioning that works best for your body type and leverages, you will lift more weight and feel better moving it. 

Wed May 18, 2022
Westside Arm Training for Bench Press

Westside Arm Training for Bench Press

Over the years, Westside Barbell has produced some of the strongest bench pressers in the sport of powerlifting. We have had lifters press over 600lbs raw (George Halbert doing so at 235lbs bwt), along with some of the strongest geared bench pressers in the world, hitting 900-1000lbs+ in competition.

It's safe to say that Lou and Westside Barbell figured out the secret to building a strong bench press many years ago. One big part of the heavy bench press equation is arm strength.

Fri May 13, 2022
Optimal Bench Press Setup

Optimal Bench Press Setup

There's no doubt that you must develop optimal form and technique to lift the heaviest weights you can. Today, if you speak to practically any lifter, you will notice it is not uncommon for the average person to understand the idea that to lift your best, you must move your best. 

Sat Apr 30, 2022